How was your summer and when did it start this year of 2024?
We had a lovely event at the Ancient Technology Centre on the Summer Solstice 22.06 – a couple of clips here:
One Tribe, One Heart, One Beat:
Fire Fire – Burning the Log:
We were lucky with the weather that night – the 22nd of June.
Despite the overall wet and unpredictable temperatures, I had some lovely events this summer.
The Big Freezone Festival end of May – a couple of clips:
In the Woods:
In the Jungle:
and a little quieter for a Rhythmic Meditation :
... and we had a little jamming in the artist area, magical:
IT WAS A HOT WEEKEND! We were in Wimborne @Gaunts Estate
I enjoyed the Soundsbeautful Festival, great speakers and a little hard to compete with Dolores Carhill, but we did have some fun!
We Are In Another Jungle:
and A Play Around in the Shamanic Woods, again at Gaunts estate in Wimborne – a beautiful circle with great listeners and players – lovely setting despite the schlepping:
A stimulating weekend!
We had some fires in my garden this summer, but called off many due to rain or wind, but sometimes we succeeded:
No cliff top circles this year, it was just too windy. Where are the balmy summer evenings of a few years ago?
and 2016:
eight years ago …
One wonders what changed?
Anyhow there is plenty to be gleeful about – we are doing chanting and there will be a Samhain event in the Ancient Technology Centre in October.
My summer was filled with study, gardening and singing – Shona is doing her ‘Chants to Heal’ – locally here by the coast, and I hope it grows:
I am looking forward to the Autumn (not quite true but I shall enjoy it when it is here), for now I share a circle of my last weekend, a most stimulating time, lightened by some interactive, non verbal communication (which sometimes improves the harmony as words can be swords, and mightier than those – a sing song makes it all easier.
Wishing all a great September... then October and so on, all my good wishes.
Heike – HighKey
adjust accordingly xxx
Mobile 07547 466 953