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Make Your Heart Sing!

Heike's Happy Vibes Blog

Heike Jenkins

How was your summer and when did it start this year of 2024?

We had a lovely event at the Ancient Technology Centre on the Summer Solstice 22.06 – a couple of clips here:

One Tribe, One Heart, One Beat:


Fire Fire – Burning the Log:

We were lucky with the weather that night – the 22nd of June.


Despite the overall wet and unpredictable temperatures, I had some lovely events this summer.

The Big Freezone Festival end of May – a couple of clips:

In the Woods:

In the Jungle:

and a little quieter for a Rhythmic Meditation :

... and we had a little jamming in the artist area, magical:

IT WAS A HOT WEEKEND! We were in Wimborne @Gaunts Estate


I enjoyed the Soundsbeautful Festival, great speakers and a little hard to compete with Dolores Carhill, but we did have some fun!

We Are In Another Jungle:

and A Play Around in the Shamanic Woods, again at Gaunts estate in Wimborne – a beautiful circle with great listeners and players – lovely setting despite the schlepping:

A stimulating weekend!


We had some fires in my garden this summer, but called off many due to rain or wind, but sometimes we succeeded:


No cliff top circles this year, it was just too windy. Where are the balmy summer evenings of a few years ago?


and 2016:

eight years ago …


One wonders what changed?

Anyhow there is plenty to be gleeful about – we are doing chanting and there will be a Samhain event in the Ancient Technology Centre in October.

My summer was filled with study, gardening and singing – Shona is doing her ‘Chants to Heal’ – locally here by the coast, and I hope it grows:


I am looking forward to the Autumn (not quite true but I shall enjoy it when it is here), for now I share a circle of my last weekend, a most stimulating time, lightened by some interactive, non verbal communication (which sometimes improves the harmony as words can be swords, and mightier than those – a sing song makes it all easier.


Wishing all a great September... then October and so on, all my good wishes.


Heike – HighKey


adjust accordingly xxx


Mobile 07547 466 953

Heike Jenkins

Dear Friends,

Spring is here and the colours are riveting.... I love this time of year! I celebrated my birthday in March and I am looking forward to the Summer Solstice event at the Ancient Technology Centre on the 22.06.24.

We love our circles in the Roundhouse, the magic is in the name – we are in a circle, in a setting that reminds of ancient times, everyone with an instrument, be it drums or rattles, shakers or boomwackers, we play in rhythm... we play loud and we chime quietly.... we watch the flames and embrace the atmosphere, heighten the vibe with our voices...

The stories are wonderful and having had the pleasure of playing with so many at the Ancient Tech has been a joy over the years! Shona will be with me again, her voice is better than mine but I can sing loud... and so will you hopefully – feeling blessed to be there again on Saturday 22.6.2024 . May the sky be clear and light, the vibes high and merry.

Before that date, I am pleased to facilitate at the Big Freezone Festival – 30th of May to 2nd of June.

and I am really looking forward to facilitating at the "Sounds Beautiful Festival" with a subject matter close to my heart, the music and sounds will be awesome, and it is local to me! Dates are 27th -30th of June.

If you like the pan and the beautiful sounds they make, check out Hangout UK Festival, starting 5th September near Guildford, one of my favourite festivals.

In fact this coming weekend 24-27th May we shall be at the Great Dorset Summer Camp of Musical Merriment, it is a small festival organised by the Hangout team and as it is our first festival of the year. We are excited and I cannot wait !

Enjoy Spring, be merry and keep all chins up !

With Love

Heike x


We had another wonderful celebration at the Ancient Technology centre on Friday the 22nd of December. It was a long dark night, but the weather stayed clear, and we sang and drummed, ate, and drank. It is a month ago but with Christmas that following weekend and the New Year, of the Gregorian calendar, beginning, I only decided today to write. The days are still too short but just a tad longer every day, the mornings dark yet.


I share a few clips from the 22nd of December.


and a fun version of Fairytale of New York


To me it seems a long time ago now, I want to have the smell of spring in the air, but not quite yet (except on the sunny days...we had quite a few, crispy and clear ones, today rain and storm. Variety they say, is the spice of life.


Looking ahead, I am pleased to have confirmed the Big Freezone Festival – 30th May to 2nd of June 2024.


Check out the early Bird offer on:


and Sounds Beautiful Festival 27th – 30th of June, check out the early bird offer here as well:



It cheers me that there are events ahead which make me think of sun and swimming and just enjoying life – without wrapping up, putting boots on and finding gloves. This is hermit time, for much of the time, and it's just as well that I have a fairly sunny disposition and manage to pull myself up when the rain lashes.


In fact, it reminds me of a song that I spontaneously sang to the pan, as it is always conducive to me, and then I sang over it and Youtubed it, warts and all.



Enjoy the weather. Spring is soon here.



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